Hyderabad Conference : 14th-15th February 1959
"The All India Cooperative Central Land Mortgage Banks" organized under the leadership of Veteran Cooperator & Gandhian Shri Vaikunth Mehta on 14th-15th February 1959 at Hyderabad.
The Conference constituted a seven member committee under the Chairmanship of Shri Bhograju Venkataratnam and Shri Udaybhansinhji as Vice-Chairman and Shri Dattatrayulu as Secretary. This Committee functioned as liaison body to co-ordinate the working of Land Mortgage Banks at national level and to take up the operational problems with government, RBI and other agencies.
All India Central Land Mortgage Banks Cooperative Union : 6th October, 1960
This committee drafted a constitution for creating an association of Land Mortgage Banks Cooperative Union and got it registered under Andhra Pradesh State Coop. Societies Act, with headquarters at Hyderabad. It was on 6th October, 1960 that the All India Central Land Mortgage Banks Cooperative Union was registered with the main objective of promoting the interests of the Long Term Co-operative Credit Structure (LTCCS) movement in the country. The first General Body meeting of the Union was held on 16th June, 1961 at Mussoorie where 9 members Standing Committee was elected under the Chairmanship of Shri B. Venkataratnam.
National Co-operative Agriculture & Rural Development Banks' Federation Ltd : 11 th January 1988.
Subsequently in 1969, the head-quarter was shifted to Bombay (Mumbai).The Union was subsequently renamed as National Co-operative Agriculture & Rural Development Banks' Federation Ltd .on 11 th January 1988.