Hyderabad Conference : 14th-15th February 1959
"The All India Cooperative Central Land Mortgage Banks" organized under the leadership of Veteran Cooperator & Gandhian Shri Vaikunth Mehta on 14th-15th February 1959 at Hyderabad.
The Conference constituted a seven member committee under the Chairmanship of Shri Bhograju Venkataratnam and Shri Udaybhansinhji as Vice-Chairman and Shri Dattatrayulu as Secretary. This Committee functioned as liaison body to co-ordinate the working of Land Mortgage Banks at national level and to take up the operational problems with government, RBI and other agencies.
All India Central Land Mortgage Banks Cooperative Union : 6th October, 1960
This committee drafted a constitution for creating an association of Land Mortgage Banks Cooperative Union and got it registered under Andhra Pradesh State Coop. Societies Act, with headquarters at Hyderabad. It was on 6th October, 1960 that the All India Central Land Mortgage Banks Cooperative Union was registered with the main objective of promoting the interests of the Long Term Co-operative Credit Structure (LTCCS) movement in the country. The first General Body meeting of the Union was held on 16th June, 1961 at Mussoorie where 9 members Standing Committee was elected under the Chairmanship of Shri B. Venkataratnam.
National Co-operative Agriculture & Rural Development Banks' Federation Ltd : 11 th January 1988.
Subsequently in 1969, the head-quarter was shifted to Bombay (Mumbai).The Union was subsequently renamed as National Co-operative Agriculture & Rural Development Banks' Federation Ltd .on 11 th January 1988.
Objects & Functions
The principal object of the Federation will be to promote interests of all its members to attain their organizational objectives and business goals and to promote mutual understanding amongst members by providing a common forum for discussing technical and practical problems relating to their business operations and to devise ways and means for solving such problems, based on self-help and mutual aid in accordance with cooperative principles.
In furtherance of above objects, the Federation may undertake any or all of the following activities:
(i) To organize Conferences, Conventions, Seminars, Workshops etc. and to constitute Committees, Sub Committees, Working Groups, Study Teams etc. relating to business operations and matters of common interest to members;
(ii) To strive for the promotion of interests of the members and to establish contacts with the Govt. of India, State Govts., Planning Commission, Reserve Bank of India, National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development, National Housing Bank, National Cooperative Development Corporation, State Bank of India and other commercial banks, Cooperative Banks, National Cooperative Union of India and other National level Federations and other institutions and give expression to the common view points of the member banks.
(iii) To collect statistics and to assimilate and compile them in suitable form and disseminate the knowledge and experience gathered therefrom;
(iv) To arrange for the publication of periodicals, news bulletins, journals, technical guidelines and other literature and exchange of information relating to rural credit and banking useful to the member banks and others;
(v) To arrange for lectures, to provide technical advice, guidance and consultancy services and to conduct studies and research on problems concerning credit, banking and other matters;
(vi) To purchase or acquire buildings and premises for housing its office and other movable and immovable property for the conduct of its business;
(vii) To appoint necessary staff for the conduct of its business;
(viii) To acquire membership of cooperative and other connected institutions and associations at national and international levels;
(ix) To promote and run center/institute for undertaking staff training and management development programme and other incidental activities including research;
(x) To secure requisite facilities/assistance and financial aids from the Govt. or other sources both from within the country and outside or itself, member banks and others;
(xi) To subscribe to the shares of cooperatives and other institutions;
(xii) To administer and manage financial schemes, insurance schemes, sinking fund investments including surplus fund investments and to enter into such contracts/agency arrangements as may be necessary for that purpose;
(xiii) To undertake such income generating activities either directly or through subsidiaries or joint ventures which are considered necessary for attainment of any or all of the above said objectives and
(xiv) To do all such things and take necessary steps as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of any or all the above objects and in the interest of the Federation and its members.
(c) In addition to the above, the Federation shall also undertake the following functions to facilitate the voluntary formation and democratic functioning of member societies and self-help and mutual aid:
(i) To ensure compliance of the cooperative principles;
(ii) To make model byelaws and policies for consideration of member societies;
(iii) To provide specialized training, education and data based information;
(iv) To undertake research, evaluation and assist in preparation of perspective development plans for member societies;
(v) To promote harmonious relations amongst member societies;
(vi) To help member societies to settle disputes among themselves;
(vii) To undertake business services on behalf of member societies, if specifically required by or under the resolution of general body or the board, or byelaws of a member society;
(viii) To provide management development services to member societies;
(ix) To evolve code of conduct for observance by a member society;
(x) To evolve viability norms for a member society;
(xi) To provide legal aid and advice to a member society;
(xii) To assist member society in organizing self-help;
(xiii) To develop market information system, logo brand promotion, quality control and technology upgradation.
Common LOGO of LTCCS
Description of LOGO
The Logo is like a 'Kumbh' (An auspicious water vessel as deprived in Indian mythology) that represents financial wellbeing. The bottom portion is having two hands, standing for care, security and protection. They are lifting a coin, as finance can be utilized for the development in agriculture. The circle in the centre also represents a human figure as the organization is working for farmer's development.
There are two major rural colors viz. green and brown, while Green is as agriculture and brown as village land which in whole add value to its identity.
Mission & Vision
Mission of the Federation is to assist its member banks in meeting the credit and other financial services needs of rural sector through providing support services in the areas of resource mobilization, business expansion, loan recovery and HRD and to promote appropriate legal and policy environment congenial to their efficient and effective working through appropriate interventions in the policy making process of the Govt. and other related agencies.
To strengthen and reform LTCCS as member driven autonomous co-operative enterprises on the one hand and resource based adequately meet the demand for credit and other financial services in the rural sector on the other.