The Study Team from Institute of Rural Management Anand (IRMA), Gujarat headed by Prof Indranil De met Shri K.K. Ravindran, Managing Director at Federation’s Office in Mumbai on 04th April 2024 for discussions on the Terms of Reference of the Study. Prof Sunil Sangwan and Research Assistants Dr. S.K. Esther Ali and Dr. Sangram Mane were other Members of IRMA team. Smt. Rajashree V.N., Chief Director and Smt. R. Mythili, Deputy Director also participated in the discussions. The Study on Business Growth of Cooperatives in various sectors during Amrit Kaal is an important initiative of Ministry of Cooperation. The objective of these studies is to raise the share of cooperatives in India’s GDP from 10% at present to above 40% by 2047. These studies by sectoral federations are fully funded by Ministry of Cooperation and are undertaken by engaging reputed professional agencies. The IRMA which is undertaking the study for LTCCS has already completed the preparatory works of the study including review of literature, secondary data analysis, preliminary discussions with the Federation on the terms of reference and also finalised data collection tools. The terms of reference of the study include suggesting measures to achieve annual business growth of 20% by member banks of the Federation during the next 25 years and strengthening the Federation to provide required support to member banks to attain their organisational and business goals including performing effectively its functions as specified under section 24 of Multi State Cooperative Societies Act 2002. The study team visited SCARDBs in various states and submitted its draft report which is being finalised in consultation with the Ministry of Cooperation.  

Study on Reforms, Restructuring and Innovations in ARDBs.

The Study Team from Institute of Rural Management Anand (IRMA), Gujarat headed by Prof Indranil De met Shri K.K. Ravindran, Managing Director at Federation’s Office in Mumbai on 04th April 2024 for discussions on the Terms of Reference of the Study. Prof Sunil Sangwan and Research Assistants Dr. S.K. Esther Ali and Dr. Sangram Mane were other Members of IRMA team. Smt. Rajashree V.N., Chief Director and Smt. R. Mythili, Deputy Director also participated in the discussions. The Study on Reforms, Restructuring and Innovations in ARDBs was instituted by the Ministry of Cooperation through NABCONS of NABARD. The study team headed by Shri A.K. Srivastava has already submitted its draft report containing recommendations for wide ranging reforms in the working of ARDBs and their operations including policy support for product innovations and funding arrangements for business diversification and expansion. The Ministry has now received the comments of NABARD and NAFCARD on the draft report and is expected to finalise a list of implementable recommendations and an action plan for the same.