Member Profile

Kerala State Co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank Ltd.

Name of the SCARDB: Kerala State Co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank Ltd.
Address: PB. No.56, Statue Junction, Thiruvananthapuram – 695 001
Telephone Nos: 0471 2460595
President: Adv. C. K. Shajimohan
Mobile: 9447207863
Managing Director: Shri T. V. Subhash, IAS (IAS)
Mobile: Not Reported

Financial Parameters

Key Financial Parameters
Key Financial Parameters (₹ In Lakhs)
Sr. No. Particulars 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
1. Number of PCARDBs 76 76 77
2. Membership at Ground Level 1869623 1934754 1418143
3. Loans Issued 275902.92 280836.26 282625.80
4. Loans Outstanding 803081.82 783396.78 796233.47
5. Staff
SCARDBs 144 174 213
PCARDBs 1254 1234 1168
6. Total Paid up Capital 22887.70 23161.05 23592.58
7. Free Reserves 48675.62 65972.81 85437.96
8. Capital to Asset Ratio (%) 11.10 13.79 16.53
9. Recovery Position At Ground Level
- Demand 376614.82 411426.71 404169.07
- Collection 216584.26 261752.79 251431.88
- Balance 160030.56 149673.92 152737.19
- Recovery (%) 57.51 63.62 62.21
NR – Not Reported.

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