Member Profile

Pondicherry Cooperative Central Land Dev. Bank Ltd.

Name of the SCARDB: Pondicherry Cooperative Central Land Dev. Bank Ltd.
Address: No. 24, Colas Nagar, Uppalam, Puducherry - 605 001
Website: Not Reported
Telephone Nos: 0413 2357985/ 2358827
Chairman: Thiru S. Murali
Mobile: 9942533315
Managing Director: Thiru C. Saravanane
Mobile: 9442357641

Financial Parameters

Key Financial Parameters
Key Financial Parameters (₹ In Lakhs)
Sr. No. Particulars 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
1. Number of Branches 1 1 1
2. Membership at Ground Level 20275 20525 NR
3. Loans Issued 3719.44 3957.39 4495.70
4. Loans Outstanding 4439.21 4824.25 5260.07
5. Staff
i. SCARDBs 29 28 27
ii. PCARDBs - - -
6. Total Paid up Capital 541.09 561.73 NR
7. Free Reserves 430.19 565.14 NR
8. Capital to Asset Ratio (%) 4.10 5.21 NR
9. Recovery Position At Ground Level
- Demand 4124.26 4690.24 3970.19
- Collection 3690.08 4274.83 3580.98
- Balance 434.17 414.93 389.20
- Recovery (%) 89.47 91.15 90.20
NR – Not Reported.

Contact Us : 022-40004969/40004970